Editorial Team

CFS operates under a collective governance structure that includes editors and administrators, a governance committee, and an editorial advisory board. The journal organigram provides an overview of these relationships, and the individuals involved in each grouping appear below.

Editorial Collective

co-Managing Editors
Alexia Moyer (redline-lignerouge)
David Szanto (Icebox Studio)

Rachel Engler-Stringer (University of Saskatchewan)
Laurence Godin (Université Laval)
Charles Z. Levkoe (Lakehead University)

Melanie Bedore (McMaster University)
Jennifer Brady (Acadia University)
Sara Edge (University of Guelph)
Maya Hey (University of Helsinki)
L. Sasha Gora (Augsburg University)
Laurence Godin (Université Laval)
Philip Loring (University of Guelph)
Kristen Lowitt (Queen's University)
Elaine Power (Queen's University)
Yukari Seko (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Shailesh Shukla (University of Winnipeg)
Martha Stiegman (York University)
Jennifer Sumner (OISE, University of Toronto)
Van Troi Tran (UQ`ÀM)

CAFS Board Liaison
Erik Chevrier (Concordia University)

Past Editors
Élisabeth Abergel 2019–24
Mary Beckie 2019–24
Sherry Pictou 2019–24
Ryan Phillips 2019–22
Marit Rosol 2019-22
Cathy Mah 2019–20
Michael Classens 2017–22
Wesley Tourangeau 2014–19
Ellen Desjardins 2014–19
Phil Mount 2014-19