Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018): Special Issue: A spotlight on feminist food studies

artistically manipulated image of a woman breastfeeding her child on an airplain

The idea for this special issue emerged from the enthusiastic response to a day-long series of sessions on feminist food studies that were held during the joint conference of the Canadian Association of Food Studies, the Association for the Study of Food and Society, and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, in 2016, in Scarborough, Ontario. The sessions brought together feminist food scholars from across Canada and the U.S. to share their work and to collectively claim space within the conference program to address feminist perspectives in food studies. For the many presenters and attendees at the sessions, the opportunity to gather together and savour more than the usual one or two conference sessions devoted to feminist perspectives was a long-awaited pleasure that did not disappoint. The presenters and audience members illuminated many of the issues, complexities, and perspectives that an explicitly feminist lens brings to food studies. The energy and excitement that infused the room as each presenter shared their work filled our plates that day. Yet there are many more ways that feminist food studies can and should continue to grow. (photo: Erik De Leon; visual effects: Natalie Doonan)

guest editors: Jennifer Brady, Barbara Parker, Susan Belyea, Elaine Power

Published: 2018-02-16