Special issue on Indigenous Food


  • Ellen Desjardins Editor Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation




Indigenous food


In the spring of 2016, I had a conversation with Dr. Kelly Skinner at the University of Waterloo that led to the mutual decision that we work towards a special issue of Canadian Food Studies on Indigenous Food. She was well connected with Canadian researchers, writers, activists, and artists on this topic, and felt that there was a plethora of potentially publishable material for such an issue. From the journal’s perspective, an Indigenous focus would embody important and relevant aspects of food culture, politics, knowledge, history, world views, and practices that should be featured and honoured in a special issue.

Author Biography

Ellen Desjardins, Editor Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation

Ellen has had a long career in public health nutrition and healthy food systems in Toronto and Waterloo. With a PhD in human geography, she is now a research associate at the University of Waterloo. Her past work included food-related policy and program development at the federal and provincial (Ontario) levels. Co-chairing the Waterloo Food Systems Roundtable, Ellen helped develop a food systems strategy, municipal food policies and a food charter for the Region. She was a founding member of Food Secure Canada and the Canadian Association for Food Studies. Ellen’s research centres on food and place, or how people experience and interact with their food environment. She has acted as principal investigator for a number of major research projects.




How to Cite

Desjardins, E. (2018). Special issue on Indigenous Food. Canadian Food Studies La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 5(2), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.15353/cfs-rcea.v5i2.324