Reflections on Foodsheds in Three Continents


  • Harriet Friedmann



foodshed, Brazil, China, Ontario


I have been thinking for a while now about the intriguing concept of foodshed in changing urban food regions. As the world becomes more urban, North and South, new fora, such as the International Urban Food Network—with the Toronto Food Policy Council as partner—reflect this shift of reimagining relations between urban and rural. Canadian experience has a specific place in the practice of emerging city food regions, one it shares with other places of European colonial settlement (and displacement of indigenous land use), but also one in which urban food regions have pioneered policies bridging the rural-urban divide.

Author Biography

Harriet Friedmann

Professor Emerita of Sociology and Fellow at the Munk School of Global Studies at the University of Toronto, Harriet researches a variety of food and agricultural issues from a historical perspective. She is a present member and previous Chair of the Toronto Food Policy Council, a Board member of USC, which promotes seed diversity and small farms, and was awarded the Canadian Association of Food Studies´ Lifetime Achievement Award for Food Studies in 2011.

Past publications include: ‘The political economy of food: a global crisis’ in New Left Review (1993), ‘From colonialism to green capitalism: Social movements and emergence of food regimes’ (2005) and ‘Food sovereignty in the Golden Horseshoe Region of Ontario’ in A. A. Desmarais, N. Wiebe and H. Wittman (Eds.), Food sovereignty in Canada: Creating just and sustainable food systems (2011).




How to Cite

Friedmann, H. (2014). Reflections on Foodsheds in Three Continents. Canadian Food Studies La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 1(1), 4–9.


