Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014): Début

close up of two stalks of asparagus poking up out of the soil with people standing the background

This inaugural issue of Canadian Food Studies exemplifies the range of publishing categories that we aim to support over the years to come. We hope to encourage writers, researchers, community members, and food practitioners to use the voice that most comfortably expresses the essence of their work. A mix of ‘languages’—whether first person narrative, conventional academic, audio/visual, or other forms of expression—allows and encourages boundaries to be challenged. In the world of food studies, diversity is key. Stories must be told, geographical areas compared, injustices exposed, and successes lauded. Meanings and insights derive from robust analysis, constructive critique, and context that includes historical, philosophical, social, political, economic, and cultural perspectives. Welcome to our début! (photo: David Szanto)

Published: 2014-05-20


Audio-Visual Works