“Eating is a hustle”: The complex realities of food in federal prison


  • Amanda Wilson Université Saint-Paul
  • Julie Courchesne Saint Paul University
  • Ghassan Zahran


carceral food systems, prison food, federal prisons, carceral geographies


Juxtaposing insights from the academic literature with those drawn from lived experience, this Perspective article explores the role of food in federal prisons in Canada. Highlighting its multiple meanings and uses, we underscore the complexity of food in prison as well as its fundamental importance in shaping the overall experience of incarceration. Rather than following the more traditional format of an academic article, our discussion takes the form of a conversation and collective reflection between the three of co-authors.




How to Cite

Wilson, A., Courchesne, J., & Zahran, G. (2023). “Eating is a hustle”: The complex realities of food in federal prison . Canadian Food Studies La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 10(1), 55–64. Retrieved from https://canadianfoodstudies.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cfs/article/view/607