FS - Repeasantization, agroecology and the tactics of food sovereignty


  • Blain Snipstal



Mots-clés :

food sovereignty, agroecology


From the dawn of the 21stcentury, we have seen and experienced at the global and local levels several severe world food crises, the advancement of global land grabbing and land speculation phenomena, the further entrenchment of the agribusiness model of agriculture and land/resource management, the repression and criminalization of peasant social movements, an increased forced migration of rural peoples, and the intensification of the global climate crisis. At the same time, food sovereignty, as a transformative methodology, political project, and social vision introduced by the peasant social movement La Vía Campesina, has become the banner of struggle for social movements, civil society organizations, and grassroots groups the world over.




Comment citer

Snipstal, B. (2015). FS - Repeasantization, agroecology and the tactics of food sovereignty. La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation Canadian Food Studies, 2(2), 164–173. https://doi.org/10.15353/cfs-rcea.v2i2.132