Food by Jennifer Clapp


  • Christopher Yordy Carleton University



world food economy, global food markets, financialization of food


The economic shocks witnessed at the time of the global food price crisis of 2008 were a stress test for governance mechanisms in the global food economy. As the decisions at the top of the largest transnational food corporations are often shrouded in secrecy, the associated patterns of governance have typically remained a matter for speculation for all but the most seasoned agribusiness and trade experts. Jennifer Clapp’s Food succeeds in exposing some of the primary forces behind the food economy, and maps the relationship between government, private industry, and the international institutions involved in food regulation. Through a compelling narrative, she offers a simplified view of the ascent of transnational corporations within this triumvirate, revealing their sources of power through a number of policy processes. Clapp’s work is essential reading for the contemporary food studies researcher, offering a stern forewarning that high food prices are likely to remain a permanent feature of the world food economy if no regulatory changes are made.

Author Biography

Christopher Yordy, Carleton University

Chris is a PhD student in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University. Prior to his studies at Carleton, he worked as a barefoot economist in several countries of the Middle East and Africa. His main interest has been food systems research in Egypt since the revolution, including studies on the livelihoods of sugarcane workers with the International Development Research Centre, and nutrition policy with the Food and Agricultural Organization in Cairo. He has been engaged with the Community First project at Carleton since its inception, carrying a passion for food movements and policy change around the world.




How to Cite

Yordy, C. (2014). Food by Jennifer Clapp. Canadian Food Studies La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 1(1), 134–136.



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