Getting to the core of the matter: The rise and fall of the Nova Scotia apple industry, 1862-1980


  • Anika Roberts-Stahlbrand Not currently affiliated Wrote the article as a student at Dalhousie University and the University of King's College


Mots-clés :

food regime, apple industry, Nova Scotia, value-added, ecology


This article will apply food regime theory to an examination of the rise and fall of the apple industry in Nova Scotia between 1862 and 1980. From the 1860s until World War II, apples were a booming cross-Atlantic export business that continued the colonial bonds to Britain. But after the war, Britain developed its own domestic apple industry, and Nova Scotia apples failed to capture a loyal and secure market based on taste or quality. This led to the decline of the industry by the 1980s. Since that time, a new local apple industry based on taste and craft processing has arisen in Nova Scotia.  This article affirms the broad historical analysis of food regime theory, while drawing attention to the need for an ecological enhancement of the theory. 

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Anika Roberts-Stahlbrand, Not currently affiliated Wrote the article as a student at Dalhousie University and the University of King's College

Environmental Studies

Undergranduate student




Comment citer

Roberts-Stahlbrand, A. (2016). Getting to the core of the matter: The rise and fall of the Nova Scotia apple industry, 1862-1980. La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation Canadian Food Studies, 3(2), 4–22.