Vol. 10 No. 3 (2023): A window, a mountain, a scape

This season, we welcome three new editors to our collective. They are L. Sasha Gora, Laurence Godin and Yukari Seko. Titles and affiliations are one, perfunctory, way to know an editor. But perhaps we might prolong the introductions somewhat. We open this issue with a word from Sasha, whose description of her new office quarters at the University of Augsburg has us thinking about what lies outside our own windows (and how these views can inform our work).
The articles in this issue are, in large part, centered on COVID-19. They lead us through the impact of the pandemic on food security in Black identifying households (Mori and Onyango), on a major node in North America’s produce supply chains, the Ontario Food Terminal (Elton et al.), and on the challenges of collaboration within Edmonton's City Table on Household Food Insecurity (Ferdinands et al.).
On a different tack, Ronaldo Tavares de Souza et al. explores how terroir is taken up by agri-food and tourism in Québec, in an effort to promote gastronomic destinations. And lastly, Michael Robidoux presents the collaborative efforts between Moose Cree First Nation Band Council leadership, community members, and his Indigenous Health Research Group in support of the building and planting of family-centered gardens.
Three book reviews follow on such diverse offerings as Chocolate and Spanish literature, Migrant work in Canada and Canadian Literary Fare. And we close this issue with a second installment of the Choux Questionnaire with Genevieve Sicotte, professor of literature in the Department of Études françaises at Concordia University. Bonne lecture.
(Photo by David Szanto)